2 min readApr 17, 2021


Prolonged stress can take a toll on your emotional and physical health. Try one of these instant stress relief tools to give yourself a break during the novel coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic.

1. Deep Breathing Exercise

Take a deep breath halt for 15–20 second then exhale it, do 10 cycles

2. Basic stretch Exercise

Do warmup and stretch exercise at home which will gradually lower risk of stress. Specially neck and shoulder will increase blood flow.

3. Prepare Gratitude list

What you have is more important rather comparing with others, Thanks your current situation , things you own, body parts, their functions, relationships

4. Eating habits

Specially during this time period, I see people eat heavy foods, which cause very heavy load on digestion rather than healing, so better do something like below

  • Follow eating fruits or beans or salad till 12pm noon from morning (avoid eating heavy meals)
  • Prepare some natural remedy like lemon/ginger/honey mix and use it thrice daily.
  • Use camphor vapor and do nasal vaporization
  • In case of accumulation of cough in chest and nose use lemon drops (2 drops each nosal) to have quick relief.

5. Avoid Hearing/Watching media/News on Corona

This is main important thing as people became scared by hearing and watching same and same thing again.

Some false media or some hype news cause more stress.

Stay & Be Happy… 😃

